Writerly Resolutions


Well, lovelies, we have made it to another year!  It kinda looks the same as the old one so far, but we can change that.  I don’t like to make too many resolutions for a new year.  For one, I am very self aware.  I know my limitations and just how far my attention span stretches.  (Spoiler: not very damn far).  So I like to keep mine simple, but I do like to challenge myself, which is why I’ve come up with the Doneness Resolution.

See, I’ve done National Novel Writing Month for the past seven or eight years and I do well with that challenge.  I want to keep up that momentum.  I’m not going to work until a certain word count, though.  This month I want to work towards doneness, hence the snazzy self explanatory name.  I want to finish one of my writing projects this January, then use February to edit and rewrite, and then March to get it ready to put on Amazon.

Then I’m going to start over again in April with a new project.

And I’d like to invite you to join me on that journey.

With a three month cycle of writing, editing, rewriting, and selling, my resolution is to have at least four of my projects done and published by the end of 2015.  Possibly more since some aren’t full novels but novellas and short series.  I want this year to be entirely productive writing-wise.  I want this to be the year I finally get these stories off my hard drive and into the wider world to see how they fly.

I want this to be the year I am a published author.

So in addition to my regular posts, I’ll also be posting updates on the resolution challenge and what I learn from it.  I’ll be doing that to hold myself accountable, so feel free to kick me in the butt, metaphorically, if you see me slacking off.  If anyone is interested in doing this with me, please drop me a line here at crazyinkslingerblog@gmail.com.  I can use all the help and encouragement I can get, and I’d love to heap the same on someone else.  I believe this goal of mine is doable, and if it’s doable, it’s doable more than once for the year.

I should probably stop saying doable.

Anyway, I’m starting this challenge today right after breakfast and a shower.  Don’t look at me that way, I know it’s almost 4pm here.  Shhh.

3 thoughts on “Writerly Resolutions

  1. I love your resolutions! There are so many bits of writing I have begun, on paper, on computers, on ipads, that I just haven’t got around to completing. I would love to see how you progress with your writing, and hopefully do the same with my own, although I don’t think I am at the same stage with my writing as you seem to be. What have you written? I will look at your blog anyway to get a sense of it. Keep up the good work, and breakfast is important to keep you fueled, even at 4pm!


    1. Thank you, Sarah! My writing process has been kind of a hodgepodge journey that I’m still tweaking. I hope you’ll find something helpful for your process over the coming weeks. I have three short stories out if you want to read them. Two are located here for free on the blog: Dead Girl Walking and Abraca-WTF: A Useless Witch. Another short story, Missing: A Quiet Horror Story is up on Amazon. You can find links to all three there on the sidebar. Thanks for the encouragement!


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